2:00 - 2:15 PM | Remote Destinations, Soft Adventure and Everything in Between
Hope Smith, Founder, Born to Travel
Matt Turner, Editor, Questex Travel
Hope Smith shares advice for advisors, whether they've planned dozens of adventure trips or none. She dives into small details like preparing your client for the destination, setting physical expectations for the trip, and provides some insight on her favorite adventure travel destinations around the world

2:15 - 2:35 PM | Presented by PromPeru

2:35 - 2:55 PM | Travel Agent Central Presents Trends in Adventure Travel
Cameron Sperance, Content/Editorial Director, Questex Travel

2:35 - 2:55 PM | Live Giveaway 

Attendees must be present to win.  Three winners eligible for $100 gift cards. 

More to come.  Please continue to check back for updates.